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F.R.|.B.Y.G.U. García-Barroso, C.E. Trenzado Romero, A. Pérez Jiménez, E.E. Rufino Palomares, D. Fabrikov and M.J. Sánchez-Muros Lozano,  "Innovative Protein Sources in Aquafeeds", "Sustainable Aquafeeds", 139-164, 2021
P. Peinado Fernández, C. Baliñas-Gavira, J. Martín Padrón, L. Boyero-Corral, M.E. Cuadros Celorrio, I. Fernández Coira, M.I. Rodríguez Lara, F.J. Reyes Zurita, E.E. Rufino Palomares, J.A. Lupiañez Cara and P.P. Medina Vico,  "Long Non-Coding RNAs as cancer biomarkers (9780128110225)", "Cancer and Noncoding RNAs", 220-247, 2016
R.M. Ferrer-Martín, A. Pérez Jiménez, F.J. Reyes Zurita, E.E. Rufino Palomares, C.E. Trenzado Romero and M.R. Sepúlveda Justo,  "Coaching as educational method to enhance university-students¿ performance", "8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2014)", 5095-5098, 2014
R.M. Ferrer-Martín, M.R. Sepúlveda Justo, F.J. Reyes Zurita, M. Medina-O¿donnell, A. Pérez Jiménez, C.E. Trenzado Romero and E.E. Rufino Palomares,  "Novel tools for continuous evaluation in universitary studies", "6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 2014)", 1207-1210, 2014
R.M. Ferrer-Martín, M.R. Sepúlveda Justo, F.J. Reyes Zurita, M. Medina, A. Pérez Jiménez, C.E. Trenzado Romero and E.E. Rufino Palomares,  "M-Learning: a novel methodology for teaching and learning at the university", "6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 2014)", 1182-1185, 2014
R.M. Ferrer-Martín, A. Pérez Jiménez, F.J. Reyes Zurita, E.E. Rufino Palomares, C.E. Trenzado Romero and M.R. Sepúlveda Justo,  "Learning communities at the university: a new teaching approach", "8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2014)", 5091-5094, 2014
E.E. Rufino Palomares, F.J. Reyes Zurita, J.A. Lupiañez Cara and P.P. Medina Vico,  "MICRORNAS AS ONCOGENES AND TUMOR SUPPRESSORS", "MICRORNAS IN MEDICINE", 223-243, 2014
C.E. Trenzado Romero, E.E. Rufino Palomares, A. Pérez Jiménez, F.J. Reyes Zurita and G. Cardenete Hernández,  "Personal learning environment in postgraduate studies", "7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2013)", 3051-3057, 2013

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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